Dear God, Thank you for sharing your goodness. Please: Give us peace in our hearts, Love in our souls, Kindness in our hands, The strength to be hopeful and helpful - To follow in Jesus’s footsteps. In all that we do may our values shine through. In Jesus’s name, Amen

Beech Class

Beech Class is our Lower Key Stage 2 Class and is made up of Year 3 and Year 4 children. The class teacher is Miss  and she is supported by Mrs Howard

Every two years Beech Class take part in a residential trip to Oaker Wood Activity Centre

They have Forest School sessions, and swimming, tennis, cricket and rugby coaching. Every year they are involved in our Christmas productions and they also support Oak Class with the end of year play

As in all the classes, Beech Class has several regular volunteers, either parents or members of the community, who come into school and listen to the children read
Please click on the document below to see our timetable for this term