Dear God, Thank you for sharing your goodness. Please: Give us peace in our hearts, Love in our souls, Kindness in our hands, The strength to be hopeful and helpful - To follow in Jesus’s footsteps. In all that we do may our values shine through. In Jesus’s name, Amen

Vision & Values

“In all that we do our values shine through.”

At Eardisley CE Primary School, our vision is to live out through Friendship and Determination, the Christian teaching to ‘love one another.’ This vision, rooted in our shared values, will guide, inspire and nourish, bringing Joy to all.

(John 15:12)
Eardisley CE Primary School is a Christian values-based school and these values underpin all that we do.

This approach enables children to discuss, explore and reflect upon those values we live by which make us thoughtful, caring and responsible citizens. We explore each Christian value month by month during our assemblies and lessons. Through this our children develop an understanding of themselves and their behaviour and are helped to realise how their actions affect others. See our attached 2023-24 Collective Worship Schedule below for more information.

This year, the School Council has chosen the following Christian values for us to reflect upon as a school in conjunction with our British values:
Our Christian values-based approach encourages commitment, effort and high standards in all that we do. These virtues are reflected in all that Eardisley CE Primary School stands for. They have been translated by the School Council to form our school values for living and learning.

  Christian Values British Values
September 2024 Friendship Respect & Tolerance
October 2024 Hope Individual Liberty
November 2024 Care Respect & Democracy
December 2024 Kindness Mutual Respect, Rule of Law & Tolerance of Other Faiths
January 2025 Unity Mutual Respect & Rule of Law, Democracy & Tolerance
February 2025 Responsibility Rule of Law, Tolerance & Democracy
March 2025 Humility Respect & Individual Liberty
April 2025 Belief Rule of Law & Individual Liberty, Democracy & Tolerance
May 2025 Determination Respect & Individual Liberty
June 2025 Courage Democracy & Rule of Law
July 2025 Empathy Tolerance & Individual Liberty