Dear God, Thank you for sharing your goodness. Please: Give us peace in our hearts, Love in our souls, Kindness in our hands, The strength to be hopeful and helpful - To follow in Jesus’s footsteps. In all that we do may our values shine through. In Jesus’s name, Amen

If my child is unwell

If your child is not well enough to attend school please telephone the school on 01544 327 262 by 9.05am
If you do not inform us, then the school will try to contact you. It is our duty to ensure that the children in our care are safe. If we are unable to contact you by telephone then you may get a home visit from a member of staff
If we have not established the reason for your child's absence by 9.30am then the absence will be marked as UNauthorised
We understand that children can't help being poorly and sometimes they will have an illness that will mean that they need to take time off school and perhaps even visit the doctor but as parents, we are asking you to stop and think before allowing your child to stay off school 
Sometimes, our children have colds or other mild illnesses, they may not feel like their normal self but they are probably well enough to come to school. Children have to learn that for adult life, they need resilience in order to cope. If, as adults, we regularly took time off for a cold, we wouldn't have a job!
Before letting your child stay at home, ask:
  • Are they well enough to come to school?
  • Is your child's attendance already cause for concern?
  • Would they feel better if they had some paracetamol? If so, if you are unable to come to school to administer an additional dose during the school day, please ask the office for the appropriate forms.
  • Are they not wanting to come to school because they are worried about something, either at home or at school?